Commencement exercises are held each May. Students completing all degree requirements for the previous fall or current spring semesters are eligible in participate in commencement. Summer candidates who are within nine (9) credit hours of completing degree requirements and enrolled in the necessary courses to complete degree requirement are also eligible to participate.
The deadline to request to attend the commencement ceremony is Friday, May 10, 2024.
Ceremony Details
Only individuals with tickets in hand will be allowed into the Children's Mercy Park. Doors open an hour before the ceremony, and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. There is often a line to enter the building ahead of the opening time. This is a gun-free zone, and all persons will be scanned. For the quickest movement through the line minimize what you bring with you into the ceremony.
The ceremony will be live streamed as well.
There is accessible seating on the upper level, which is the entry level of the park. For more
information about accessible seating for guest please visit the Children’s Mercy Park’ website .
Students who need accommodations for graduation should complete the following form Student
Accommodation for KCKCC Graduation Ceremony.
Graduation Fee
As a reminder, a graduation fee is required even if students do not participate in the commencement ceremony. All first-time candidates are assessed a $20 graduation fee, or $8 if this is a succeeding application. To pay the fee go to Self-Service and make a payment under the Student Finance section. Please contact the Business Office at 913-288-7620,, or visit their office at 3260 Upper Jewell on the main campus. You cannot pick up your cap and gown until the graduation fee has been paid.
Graduation Check-In
Due to the limited amount of time available for our Graduation Team to line up the graduates for the ceremony, it is crucial that you check in prior to May 16, 2024.
During the check in process you will receive the “Know before You Go” information sheet provided by Children’s Mercy Park, your name card, and an honor cord if earned.
Note: Students with a 3.40 or higher cumulative GPA will receive honor cord at check-in before the graduation ceremony. Honors are awarded for completed coursework. All Honors announced at the graduation ceremony are based on the Fall 2023 cumulative GPA.
Main Campus
Technical Education Center
Pioneer Career Center
Guest Tickets
Only individuals with tickets in hand will be allowed into the Children's Mercy Park.
Doors open an hour before the ceremony, and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. There is often a line to enter the building ahead of the opening time.
Please order by clicking the button the below to get tickets for your guests.
Cap and Gowns
Cap and gowns will be available starting April 8, 2024 through May 15, 2024.
KCKCC Main Campus Bookstore
Distribution will be during the business hours of Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The bookstore is located on the lower level of the Jewell Student Center.
Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center
Distribution will be during the business hours of Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Pioneer Career Center
Students must visit the front office to order their cap & gown. Orders will be available within two business days for pick-up at the Pioneer Career Center. Please contact 913-288-7750 or for pick-up confirmation.
Sizing and Availability
Sizing and availability of cap and gowns will be on a first come, first serve basis. Exact sizing cannot be guaranteed on the final days of distribution.
Graduation Gift Items and Keepsakes
Graduation gift items and keepsakes will be sold separately in the bookstore such as commemorative tassels, “bling” tassels for $8.95, and keychain tassels for $4.95, along with graduation announcements in packages of five (5) for $5.95.
For questions regarding class rings or personalized announcements please visit Josten’s website at
Graduation Photos
As a gift from the college, two photographs will be taken of each graduate during the ceremony by Egans Photography. Additional copies of these photos may be purchased following the graduation ceremony, yet there is no obligation to purchase additional photos.
In addition, individual graduation photo sessions will be available for graduates on the following days:
Main Campus
Pioneer Career Center
Be sure to bring your cap and gown!
Please click here to book your photo session. Once your photo session is booked, check your email for the photo order form to complete and bring with you to your session. Additional photo order forms will be available during your session as well. There is no obligation to purchase these photos.